People ask, because they’ve added this great streaming feature, NOW is Amazon Prime Canada worth it!?!? Streaming AND shipping, right? Well, yes it is worth it. But, is that all that it is? No, Amazon Prime is actually more than that too. Amazon Prime is also a streaming service for all sorts of media, like film, TV, movies, all sorts of things like that, as well as audio books and podcast, there are so many different things that are available through Amazon Prime. And yet, so many people are still picPeople ask, because they’ve added this great streaming feature, NOW is Amazon Prime Canada worth it!?!? Streaming AND shipping, right? Well, yes it is worth it. But, is that all that it is? No, Amazon Prime is actually more than that too. Amazon Prime is also a streaming service for all sorts of media, like film, TV, movies, all sorts of things like that, as well as audio books and podcast, there are so many different things that are available through Amazon Prime. And yet, so many people are still picturing Amazon at a place that it is basically where it was five years ago, where it’s just a bookstore. Amazon did begin as a bookstore but now it is one of the most cutting-edge corporations on the planet, they even recently purchased Whole Foods, show it will be amazing and interesting to see how they incorporate this high-quality American food chain into their American services, and then to see how that transfers over to their Canadian operations. Because one thing that people say is that they are under the impression that the Canadian Amazon Prime is not as good as the American one, and the old oh it’s true that the Canadian Amazon Prime is usually a little bit behind the American one, the trend has been that every time that American Amazon Prime adds a new perk or feature, within a few months Canada start working towards adding that one too, I think right now America is just more fertile market for Amazon.turing Amazon at a place that it is basically where it was five years ago, where it’s just a bookstore. Amazon did begin as a bookstore but now it is one of the most cutting-edge corporations on the planet, they even recently purchased Whole Foods, show it will be amazing and interesting to see how they incorporate this high-quality American food chain into their American services, and then to see how that transfers over to their Canadian operations. Because one thing that people say is that they are under the impression that the Canadian Amazon Prime is not as good as the American one, and the old oh it’s true that the Canadian Amazon Prime is usually a little bit behind the American one, the trend has been that every time that American Amazon Prime adds a new perk or feature, within a few months Canada start working towards adding that one too, I think right now America is just more fertile market for Amazon.