It’s that time of the year when we regain ourselves again, feel like we are coming from a new beginning and just starting over, and look forward with a new perspective.

And yes, it’s time to list that new year’s resolution. Again.

Though this may be a time of listing promises for the better, of reflecting the year that was, and of rebuilding our character with positive attitudes and all, let’s face it, we never really keep up with those pledges.

For years, we listed changes for physical beauty, for values and relationship. We listed those such as saving money, losing weight and more time management. But really, have we kept our promises right at the very end of the year?

You see, we are not perfect. We give our best shot at changing but somehow, in the middle of transition peiords and adjustments, we tend to lose our way. We lose focus, we are tempted and we veer away from what we have pledged to be, and, eventually, go back to our old selves again. And the cycle just goes like that.

I ,too, have my own resolutions each year—from saving money and having nicer relationships with family and friends.

But this year, it’s different. Well, sort of. I’ve come up with these three E’s that shall be my guide throughout my year.


The past year, for me, has been a breakthrough from my old self. Coming from my own perspective, I think I’ve changed. From the way I think to the way I see things. However, when I say I’ve changed, it’s not all for the better. I’ve had those that made me weaker and frail. Now this year, I pledge to reflect on those things. Those things that made me weaker. To downsize the things that made my 2011 a bit miserable and messy. But then, when I reflect, I shall also keep the things, and the people who have made my last year a very special one. My family, who has always been there when I had issues with Dawn and my studies, and of course, my friends who appreciates my split personality and unpredictable character.

Evaluating is like going back, reminiscing and remembering. Though we had issues and memories we want to fade and forget, we can never have a new beginning without lifting the burdens in our hearts.


One thing that, I believe, every individual must try, no, must do, each year is to explore and learn. What more can learning do to one’s life than abundance of knowledge and experience worthy to be treasured for life. Exploring new things makes an individual stronger and more experienced. It makes him more intellectual in life. When we explore, we veer from the usual, from the norm that we have been used to.

So this year, I pledge to go out of my shell. To go out of my comfort zone. From the usual meal I order in the nearby cafeteria and the ordinary chocolate ice cream flavor every Saturday to the places I go and the people I meet. This year, I ought to explore. To be well-cultured and to be smart. I want to keep learning. To keep yearning and longing for something worthy to be treasured. This is also the perfect time to know more about my passion—checking out websites and making my own and probably shift to ranking hostingów.


I was conscious that I was a way too safe of myself last year. I want to be in the safe zone. I order the same meal from the same canteen we go. I crave for the same ice cream flavor over and over again. I wear the same jeans every week, making it more worn out each wash. I follow my not-so-organized organizer and drink my favorite mix of coffee in the morning. I meet people and make friends, decide uncertainly and abruptly, not minding the consequences later.

And now I realized that I need to grow. To go beyond my limits. To learn more about love, life and God. To explore the beauty of my environment and see the happiness in little things—from the sweet laugh of my cousin to the simple thank you of my friend. To see the simple happiness and joy from my mother’s pat in my back when I sleep or the sweet ‘goodnight’ of my sister whenever she comes home late at night.


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